
Pamela Laurence © March 2019

 Between the hills and dales
Over the river and streams
There is a field where past meets present.

In a dream or gazing
Into a pool of clear waters
I see a reflection
In the eyes
That beholds all Love, Truth and Beauty
The Eternal now, forever more.

Our Landscapes create a world around our homes that support our homes and our lives with beauty, health, and abundance of plant life, terrace walls and walkways. It is here where truth remains, which helps us breath in and out each day.  Look outside your windows from each room – become a receiver. What messages do you hear?  What thoughts come to mind?  Allow the vistas from inside your home looking out support your life.

Create a Garden of Eden where you can begin each day again.  Create a garden where you can refresh and ground yourself.  Create a garden where you can get back in touch with your true Divine inner you – a garden where you can blend in and simply be that Truth. Create a garden of vegetables and/or flowers and trees.  Use your imagination as you create that space that will heal and nourish your heart and soul.  I once had a teacher who told me, “Pamela, create the illusion – don’t become it.”  What that meant to me was to not attach. Life really is a dream – a canvas – a dream that we create with our mind’s eye, for we truly are creators.

I advise that you start landscaping your life/home by taking an inventory of what feels right and what feels wrong for you at this moment in time of your life.  Life is always changing, so look at what is happening in your life at this moment. Then try to connect to the energies and feelings of that which you listed. For example, do you feel out of control  – that your life is on a career path of its own and you have no control over it?  If so, you may want to note that you need some grounding – some external “prop” that will mirror for you grounding.  A statue, a large stone or boulder, a dark green shrub – these are some of the items that you may want to place in your healing garden to support you when you feel that you are ungrounded.

Let us say that you do not feel heard – either in your marriage, job, or with your children or friends.  You might first need clarity as to what it is you really want to say, so think perhaps of placing a clear reflecting pond where you can look undisturbed to gather your thoughts.  You may want to place lighting in dark corners to open up unspoken aspects of your voice. Create a path that is unencumbered that flows clearly and easily around the garden that supports a natural flow in your conversations. You may want to hang a lovely sounding wind chime with the intention of allowing your voice to ring true. Remember: to be heard you must also listen.

If you feel physically ill, try placing sweet smelling flowers and healthy looking plants around so that you can reflect upon their natural wholeness and goodness. Look at your life and gardens to see if you need to pull up some metaphoric old weeds or transplant and nourish a fresh new landscape. 

Try this little exercise – Read the following meditation I wrote aloud or silently while secretly dancing in your garden:

 Come to my garden
Let me fill your mind with perfumes so sweet
That you loose your earthly mind to a mindless presence.
Where Fruits are so juicy and full of nectars that abound
Where Flowers flower taller than the sky and make you want to fly.
Feed upon the pulp of pulsating fruits so perfectly potent on their vine.

Come again, come whenever you wish. You are here with me in my garden
To Love.
The wind carries your voice.
The earth supports your home,
Sip the Waters with the sun as your guide.

Bring the True You to your breath – your life.
Inhale the scents of innocent Love and Beauty as given so freely from the flower
Pollinate the garden with your own seed, where the bee will be born again.
No Wait! You become the flower too! – Innocent – pure – trusting – loving – giving – beautiful – calm, in Truth…
The garden is abundant.
The garden is generous.
The garden is you!

May your gardens be abundant, healthy and supportive for evermore.

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