Map to Being Fully Human

Pamela Laurence, © August 2020 Hark now and See Anew!! Rise above the land and beyond the lake False faces of past disgraces Are no more. See all that appears to be Our Joint Destiny- Turn inside out. Breathe in the map – energetic pathways:             Love, Strength, Compassion, Humility,             Understanding, Wisdom, Honor, Courage,… Continue reading Map to Being Fully Human

The Abundance of the Universe – Learn from Your Garden

© Pamela Laurence   When we tightly pray with desperation And limit our vision, We fail to hear – we fail to see We fail to breath a natural breath. Nothing real comes of this.   When we notice we are caught in this self- man-made model thinking It is then to remember – I… Continue reading The Abundance of the Universe – Learn from Your Garden