Kitchens and Baths – The Cycle of Life

© January 2019, Pamela Laurence

 Fire and Water, 
Earth and Wood,
Natural. Untreated. Unaffected.
I take from the Earth,
For I am what I eat
I give back to the earth.
A wondrous cycle of everlasting ebb and flow.
A cycle of life and death.
A day into night.
A gathering - a letting go.
Silence is beauty filled with thankfulness.

In our kitchens we gather our food and families to eat of the earth.  In our baths, we bath to wash off the day and to let go of that, which we need no more.  Each is equally important for our life-force and balance. Each is equally important in our health and well-being.  Therefore, it is our mission to create our kitchens and our baths to be supportive of these thoughts: – to be clean and refreshing – places where we can breath easily without stress.  Places where we can be ourselves naturally.

There is no more joy than creating an environment to be supportive and loving.  The use of feng shui is not a trinketized, trendy movement; it is an ancient, real tool for balancing your life.  It is a very real tool to be used wisely for the health of your mind, body and soul.  Hatha yoga was thought silly and weird when I was teaching it over 45 years ago to young adults and nursing home residents alike.  Some people thought it was just for wackos and losers who stood on their head – until some major celebrities started talking about yoga (and there are many different kinds of yogas) in magazines – (there was no internet in those glorious days).

When placing your kitchen on a floor plan, try not to let it be the first room you see when you enter your home. When you see your kitchen first, on a subtle level, food will always be subconsciously on your mind.  This mind vibration may eventually enhance eating disorders in the family of overeating, eating unhealthy foods or bulimia.

Have an even number of chairs for even numbers are more balanced and avoid having just one chair even if you live alone for this could symbolize loneliness. Keep the table uncluttered with perhaps some flowers or bowl of fruit and vegetables in its center to represent abundance and health.

If your food is prepared well and happily, you will assimilate that food into your bodily systems where it will nourish you and make you strong.  Ideally we want to design stove placement so that it is not cramped or stuck into a corner. Of course, make sure your stove area is well lit and ventilated.

If I had my choice I would put toilets and bidets in separate rooms off the “bath” room, for I see two completely separate functions. The toilet is quite a downward energy drain that when seen from tubs, showers or the hallways of our home can on a subtle level pull our energy down. Keep your door to the bathroom closed, especially if you sleep in a room with the bathroom in view from your bed.

Showers, bathtubs and hot tubs can be places for meditation, nurturing and wonderful sensuality – as well as cleansing. It is lovely too to sit in your tub and feel the water cascading down upon you from the showerheads, washing the day away. There is nothing better than being bathed and lovingly sponged by a loved one – either a mother bathing a child or as lovers bathing each other. Pick colors that can reflect a soothing scene for you and sizes that fit your body (bodies) and budget. And, if you are feeling angry or fiery, take a shower or bath. Water puts out fire – bathing will calm you down!

Be mindful of what your mirrors are reflecting – is it the toilet? Is it the dirty laundry pile?  Is it a corner of the moldy wallpaper?  Speaking of mold – stay away from carpeting your bathroom floor, choose a ceramic or stone/marble floor; just be careful of slipping on some of these surfaces when wet. Ventilation is important in a bathroom.  The best choice would be an old fashioned window that can be opened to let in the fresh air.  Many ventilation fans are so assaulting to the senses making such a loud racket that you could never relax with the sound.

Freestanding sinks are very pretty yet don’t allow space around them for the tools of the trade, i.e. toothbrush, cups, shaving stuff, soap, washcloth and makeup. Beauty is important but function is equally important.  Surround yourself with natural sponges, candles, scented oils, sea salts and special goblets for wine or pure water.

I invite you to create healthy and happy Kitchens and baths.

One thought on “Kitchens and Baths – The Cycle of Life

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